by Mark Lugris offers an unparalleled collection of Sex and the City Quotes. Featuring the best soundbites from Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha, our Sex and the City Quotes also showcase some of the most popular supporting characters, such as, Mr. Big, Trey and Stanford.
Our Sex and the City Quotes come from all six seasons of this groundbreaking series. Celebrating a new way of speaking honestly and rationally about relationships and sex, the Sex and the City Quotes provide fans with the best quips from the quintessential series about sex in the 21st Century.
A comprehensive selection of outstanding quotations, our Sex and the City Quotes highlight the different characters and personalities that populate the show. Described by Big as,
Carrie Bradshaw's friends seem to reflect the many traits of urban women everywhere. Headed by the award-winning Sarah Jessica Parker, the show was an unexpected success when it premiered in 1998. Now, this collection of Sex and the City Quotes will continue to entertain and enthuse fans. depends on its users to help build and broaden our quotation database, and although we have included the best Sex and the City Quotes available, we hope you share your favorites.
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