“The creator of this worm has taken advantage of the importance of a company appearing among the first few links in the search results of an internet browser,”
“The propagation capacity of Sober.AH, means that every time there is a new infection, the chances of receiving an infected email increase exponentially.”
“The propagation capacity of Sober.AH means that every time there is a new infection, the chances of receiving an infected e-mail increase exponentially.”
“Viruses...have reached rock bottom this year. The aim of creators of this type of threat is usually fame...Now, almost nobody runs the risk if does not lead to financial gain.”
“Viruses, described as threats that add their code to other executable files in order to carry out their malicious actions, have reached rock bottom this year. The aim of creators of this type of threat is usually fame. However, legislation against computer crime in many countries worldwide has led to a dramatic drop in the number of new specimens of this type. Now, almost nobody runs the risk if it does not lead to financial gain.”
“These actions are financially motivated and aim to exploit the popularity of these search engines to increase visits to the pages with the altered results, ... To avoid this kind of attack, it is vital that users have reliable antivirus protection and keep their systems up-to-date, as the vulnerabilities used have often been in existence for some time.”
“These actions are financially motivated and aim to exploit the popularity of these search engines to increase visits to the pages with the altered results. To avoid this kind of attack, it is vital that users have reliable antivirus protection and keep their systems up-to-date, as the vulnerabilities used have often been in existence for some time.”
“It is impossible to ignore the fact that each of these variants generates numerous infections and therefore the total number of zombie computers could reach hundreds of thousands.”
“The main priority now is to minimize the effect of this worm. Therefore, the usual recommendations apply: keep security solutions up-to-date and scan the entire system to ensure that it is free from threats.”
“Cyber-crooks, motivated by profit, have adapted well to the new environment -- they are now looking to silent infections that allow them to operate without much noise being made in the media. This means potential victims do not have their guard up and are more susceptible to theft of money and all types of information.”