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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“At that point, I thought our race was over. But we didn't give up.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It's a fact. If you have too many failures in a 24-hour race, you are not going to win. It has always been like this. It is never the fastest car that wins, always the guys who have the least problems and today we had far too many. I came here to win the race and I pushed. I put everything into it. At one point, we were nine laps down and came back. Everyone one of us drove qualifying laps every lap. We are really disappointed.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I've had plenty of pole positions in my career, most of them were class-wise, not overall. It's a big one for me here being on the pole for such a big race. It's also good for the guys. We have a brand new package with the Crawford and Porsche. The guys at Alex Job Racing worked really hard.”

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