General George S. Patton quotes (American General in World War I and II, 1885-1945)
Paul Valery quotes (French Poet, Essayist and Critic, 1871-1945)
Dale Carnegie quotes (American lecturer, author, 1888-1955)
George Bernard Shaw quotes (Irish literary Critic, Playwright and Essayist. 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1856-1950)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes (German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749-1832)
Plato quotes (Ancient Greek Philosopher He was the world's most influential philosopher. 428 BC-348 BC)
Nadia Comaneci quotes
John Milton quotes (English Poet, Historian and Scholar. Ranks second, only to Shakespeare, among English poets. 1608-1674)
George Moore quotes (English Philosopher one of the fathers of the analytic philosophy. 1873-1958)
Judy Garland quotes
Jose Saramago quotes (Portuguese novelist and man of letters, 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature, b.1992)