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Gavin Tarquinio quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The thing about a long snapper is that no one knows who I am unless I goof up.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“When it came down to it though, I had a younger brother that was 11, and just turned 12 last weekend. I'm a real big family man so I didn't want to go very far away. So I picked Tech for it being close to my family.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“At Tech, we snap punts 14 yards from center. In the NFL, it is 15 yards. Before the snap, Chris Reis is the personal protector. We talk back and forth. Prior to the snap we have to look at how the opposing team is lined up. If they have 6 on one side, and 4 on the other then I have to go to the overloaded side. I block what is referred to as the 'A' gap. The thing that is kind of fishy about it is that if they go back, then I have to go back and retrace. If the guy on the left comes around, then I have to go back and block him. You also never know who will be lining up. Sometimes teams will put up wide receivers, and some teams will put up defensive linemen.”

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