“There is no such thing as a good time to be door-stepped by a sales person; it is inconvenient, intrusive and can be threatening to vulnerable individuals.”
“The overall service experience such as billing, technical support, and repair are important to customers. It's also important to customers to provide them with a one-stop shop for all of their communications needs. Then we have a trusted brand. Whom do you trust to provide you with these important services?”
“The boundary-less world created by the Internet is thrilling but scary for the vast majority of consumers. Sometimes we can get carried away by teenagers and pre-teenagers and use them as a measure for what is happening in the world. A 40-year-old with three kids has different needs from teenagers, and teenagers get older and their needs change.”
“After years of hype, delays, skepticism and then disappointment, it is a welcome relief to say that WCDMA has finally come of age. Preliminary figures show that end-2005 there were 44.42 million WCDMA subscribers worldwide, an increase of 163.62% over the 16.85 million subs registered as of Dec. 31, 2004.”
“With our new security packages and services, we hope that customers can begin to feel safer and more confident when using their broadband connection.”
“It is unlikely all vendors will agree to IPR capping. Nevertheless, by removing CDMA from the LTE standard it also removes perhaps the most vocal opponent to royalty capping and proportionality - Qualcomm.”