“Right now, I've just decided that it would be best if I focused on one sport coming up in the spring. I'm looking forward to that. I haven't had that opportunity yet, so I'm looking forward to the strides I can make coming up to this season.”
“I felt I have a lot more potential in baseball. I've done everything I could possibly try to do to get better as a football player. I've invested hours and hours and hours, and I feel that I may have reached my peak with that sport. In baseball, I feel that the ceiling is higher and I have a lot more room to grow.”
“I just decided it would be best if I just focus on one sport. The (football) coaches said I could be 100 percent baseball now, and I'm looking forward to that. I haven't had the opportunity, yet. I'm looking forward to the strides I can make this season.”
“It was crazy, just physically on the body. It tears you down. We played 70 something games (in baseball last season). There was a point where my body was getting worn down and my recovery time (was slow). I'd just feel really sore the next day and through the weekend. I'd be fresh on Friday and on Saturday, and Sunday I was beat.”
“I feel great. My body feels better not having to work out for football and baseball at the same time, and it's a relief just to be able to focus on baseball 100 percent.”