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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Nothing safe about what I do. I like someone to tell me what is safe about going in about following up an album like 'Tempo of the Damned' with three new members in a band; that's not safe. I am not concerned with what others say. I made this album for myself; I made the album I wanted to make. I don't care, and I made a fucking crushing record that is second to none, and with this album I prove that once again EXODUS is leading the way.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We ended up with an effective sentence of 5 1/2 years, so that's pretty close. I would be hard pressed to be upset over a question of six months.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The judicial discretion has been fettered greatly by the Youth Criminal Justice Act.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We were not a close family, but that doesn't matter.”

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