“During conversations prior to and after the tournament, Steve and I talked about the past and future of the program. During those conversations, termination was never discussed. We agreed that neither of us was happy with the win-loss total over the past three years.”
“Today, all of our teams -- minus three or four -- are either competing for a championship or are off the bottom of the standings. We've made huge strides. We've got to do that consistently now. We're getting good in a lot of sports. Now we talk about going from good to great, so we're consistently fighting for the top.”
“It's in the paper every day how we are doing, and it's about wins and losses. We look at that just like the fan does. You can't hide from that. With that said, I go deeper than that to see if our foundation is solid, so when we take a dip it isn't so deep and so far down and it's hard to climb back up.”