“When you look at the Napa area, that location does not have a set of reservoir systems and unfortunately is not able to handle peak rainfall, which translated into some urban flooding for that community.”
“What we're living on is a system that has been built over 100 years. It certainly is not up to the current practices that we would do in levee design, so we're doing our best with resources available to make the necessary improvements.”
“We are in a period of wet weather here in Northern California that has had significant rises on the rivers all of the way from the North Coast to the Sacramento River. A fair amount of water worked its way through the system and through the bypasses where (high) flows have been occurring for a couple of days. Storms have been coming as expected. Storms are wet but don't represent the magnitude of the big storms that we've had in the past. Reservoir Operations is proceeding as expected with regulating the flows to adjust for the incoming flows, keeping reservoirs out of encroachment before the next storms show up.”
“Right now, things are performing as expected. We don't have any reports of significant flood-fighting activities like we embarked on three months ago.”
“Our goal is to try and maintain the river levels and keep flows at a regulated level. It takes a lot of planning and coordination for an extended period of time.”
“We're certainly guarded with the weather, how it's coming in right now and how it's going to play out in the system. But right now we're very optimistic.”