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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“[To begin with, this Ghost Rider is tied to previous incarnations primarily through the body he possesses, namely Johnny Blaze. Aside from that,] it doesn't really follow any previous series, ... We hit the ground running, no looking back. His sins finally caught up with him, as you'll see in the first issue.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The Ghost Rider's not particularly heroic in this story; he has his own agenda and won't let anything get in his way.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“…isn't actually a MAX book, it doesn't mean I don't push my luck whenever and wherever I can. I'm never really trying to outdo myself; what I want is to keep coming up with different ideas, not necessarily wilder ones. But you'll see some pretty feisty stuff in this series: Kazann gets up to all sorts of horrors, Hell literally breaks loose in Texas and Ruth causes some serious carnage once she gets going. There's the aforementioned Buttview, too.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“[While] Ghost Rider ... Another 'Kev' series from Wildstorm, featuring Carlos Ezquerra's best art in years; a third Punisher special, 'The Tyger,' drawn by John Severin; 'Nick Fury in World War Two,' six issues by Darick Robertson; a four-issue 'JLA Classified' arc featuring Tommy Monaghan, effectively the lost Hitman story; a new book from Avatar called 'Wormwood,' starring the Antichrist (he gets a bad rap); 'Back to Brooklyn,' a crime book with Jimmy Palmiotti; a new creator-owned ongoing book with Darick Robertson, 'The Boys'; a western called 'Trail of Tears'-- a much darker, more brutal book than the one about to come out; and just started writing a new limited series for Axel [Alonso] at Marvel. Very pleased with it so far. Finally, of course, there's the regular 'Punisher' book, which is just about to start a new storyline, 'The Slavers.' Frank Castle, the character I was born to write. Who'da thunk it?”

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