“We hear it a lot - my 14-year-old daughter loves your network. I don't watch it, but it's really for her. We're trying to break that perception, because obviously our median age is not 14.”
“A month from now, when many of our shows will have premiered, there's going to be a bit of a shift perceived by the viewer. What you need to see is sprouts coming out of the ground.”
“John has distinguished himself with his sound judgment and great leadership skills. He will be a key architect in helping us continue as innovators as we chart our course to higher profitability. ... He always takes a big picture view to everything he does while bringing a great deal of wisdom, knowledge and patience to all matters he deals with; qualities that make him the perfect choice to work side by side with me in running the business and operational areas of the network.”
“I'll be more specific. ...This year the show will lose $16 million for The WB, and that's with a license fee reduction from last year. At least to us, that's a big number.”