“We decided that trust is very important when you are looking for things like babysitting services. People should determine who can see their classified ads. You might decide you only want to share them with your email contacts or other students if you are at a university.”
“Every listing in the system is geo-coded by ZIP code at the very least. We add integrated maps from Live Local. The feedback we get is that it is fantastic for garage sales.”
“I've seen some sites attempt to create these kinds of services, but they have to build it up, which takes forever. We already had this massive network.”
“We've been watching our own Microsoft(R) internal marketplace service for the past couple of years and were inspired by employee behaviors. Regardless of the transaction, we noticed that trust and convenience are the key factors to closing a deal. What sets Windows Live Expo apart is that people can set their own search parameters for goods and services. They can define their own marketplace universe.”
“What sets Windows Live Expo apart is that people can set their own search parameters for goods and services. They can define their own marketplace universe.”
“We've been watching our own Microsoft internal marketplace service for the past couple of years and were inspired by employee behaviors. Regardless of the transaction, we noticed that trust and convenience are the key factors to closing a deal. What sets Windows Live Expo apart is that people can set their own search parameters for goods and services. They can define their own marketplace universe.”