“It's a phony election that he creates on issues that every poll says voters don't care about and he's complaining about having to raise money for it?”
“But much more important, here is a man who got elected on the promise that he wouldn't need special interest money and wouldn't take it. He now says he needs it and he'll be happy to take it. How many promises does he get to break before no one believes anything he says?”
“I think it means what we've been saying all along - the governor's initiatives are not real reform. They're not popular, people don't like them, and they're going to lose.”
“This governor is spending $80 million of taxpayer money on an election that voters resoundingly have said is unnecessary. That is the most important figure. The rest is campaign rhetoric.”
“We are engaged in a very serious campaign over all of these initiatives and they are all failing, ... And the more people get to know about them, they do worse, not better.”