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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Men try to intimidate women out of the kitchen.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I have no sense of how large or small he is. I don't read his annual report or anything before I decide to order from him, and I've never been out to his place.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Desserts are the finishing touch to a wonderful meal; but it is commonly accepted that desserts are also the menu items that can contain the most added sugar. I believe the key to making delicious desserts a little bit healthier is to make small substitutions that don't affect the overall taste. When I want to reduce sugar in my cooking or baking, I replace it with SPLENDAŽ No Calorie Sweetener. That way I've reduced the overall sugar and calories.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Desserts are the finishing touch to a wonderful meal; but it is commonly accepted that desserts are also the menu items that can contain the most added sugar. I believe the key to making delicious desserts a little bit healthier is to make small substitutions that don't affect the overall taste. When I want to reduce sugar in my cooking or baking, I replace it with SPLENDA(R) No Calorie Sweetener. That way I've reduced the overall sugar and calories.”

 Gale Gand quote

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