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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“In many areas of the world, the rapid growth of voice and data communications usage has outpaced the deployment of network infrastructures. When, for reasons of geography, history and topography, the laying of copper or fiber landlines has been slow or prohibitively expensive, local carriers and enterprises may resort to satellite links for their communications transport needs.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“By incorporating its unique pseudo-wire capabilities into the ACE-3x00 series, RAD has provided operators and service providers with a future-proof cellular backhaul migration path to tomorrow's Ethernet/IP/MPLS networks.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“With their advanced shaping and scheduling capabilities, the pseudo-wire enabled ACE-3100, ACE-3200 and ACE-3400 permit operators to implement overbooking strategies, allowing them to optimize network utilization, avoiding congestion in the packet transport.”

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