“because of the history of race in this country, and because historically, black males, Hispanic males, males of color, have been seen as the typical assailant.”
“People have become more cynical about believing the stories because there have been these racial hoaxes in recent memory and because the media have reported on it,”
“I think it's good to have separate interests. We didn't have children so we have a lot of time to spend together. This way we both get some breathing room. He goes fishing and I go shopping.”
“In Aruba, I don't know what the situation is there, but it was interesting that these young men could tell the story, and that it was believable ... and that people did act on the story that they were telling,”
“My office is a mess. I hate filing, so papers and journals and books just pile up. If Jay can keep order in a cell, I figure he could help me organize my office.”