“When designing Guestroom 2010, HFTP will conduct an exhaustive global search for the industry's cutting-edge and future technology. Our intent is for Guestroom 2010 to be an important reference for the industry and the possibility exists that we will take the display to other venues.”
“Our members have been asking for this benefit since we began producing the online sessions, and I am pleased that our application with NASBA has recently been approved. This offering will add value to HFTP membership, and make earning educational credit more convenient for CPA members.”
“Over the last month, HFTP President Ralph Miller and I have entertained numerous requests for HFTP to create a strong European presence with our conferences and other educational opportunities. In order to explore these possibilities thoroughly, we are strengthening our relationships with some of our European friends, IH&RA. We are also using this opportunity to get our brand more widely recognized by major European players in the industry.”