“Now try to separate that in your mind from a person who owns hundreds of acres of land, and is now extending a water main through that tract, and still hasn't really thought out exactly the project he's going to build. Why would the extension of that utility vest development rights at that time?”
“We're pretty confident we have some of the best buildings in the world here, but there are always going to be losses, because these are extraordinary events.”
“We should not be at all surprised if something similar to Hurricane Katrina mirrors itself in California, ... There have been lots of articles written about the failure of levees in the [Sacramento-San Joaquin] Delta, the loss of drinking water in California. This is just the tip of the iceberg.”
“We should not be at all surprised if something similar to Hurricane Katrina mirrors itself in California. There have been lots of articles written about the failure of levees in the [Sacramento-San Joaquin] Delta, the loss of drinking water in California. This is just the tip of the iceberg.”
“This is, I think, like 32 winters for me and I've never seen this. We've had a few cancellations already. People have been following the weather and they know it's problematic so it's not good for us at all.”