“Develop a comprehensive plan. Take a good look at your business and assess the impact a disaster would have on you, your employees, your customers and your community.”
“We also want to express our thanks to the two Chambers of Commerce and the SBA District Office officials for providing the space for the Disaster Loan Assistance Centers. The many courtesies extended to our staff have been greatly appreciated.”
“SBA disaster loans are the primary source of long-term recovery assistance from the federal government. To date, we have approved more than $84,310,000 in the State of Alabama for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.”
“If you had any damage caused by Hurricane Wilma that occurred October 23 through November 18, 2005, we hope you will visit the Center and personally meet with an SBA Representative. Our staff will be glad to answer any questions about the disaster loan program, give you an application, and provide any extra help you may need or want in completing your application.”
“If you had any damage caused by Hurricane Wilma that occurred October 23 through November 18, 2005, we hope you will visit the Center and personally meet with an SBA Representative. Our staff will be glad to answer any questions about the disaster loan program, give you an application, and provide any extra help you may need or want in completing your application. We also want to express our thanks to the staff of Old City Hall Annex for providing the space for the Disaster Loan Assistance Center. The many courtesies extended to our staff have been greatly appreciated.”
“These counties are eligible because they are contiguous to one or more primary counties in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. SBA recognizes that disasters do not usually stop at the county or state lines. For that reason, counties adjacent to primary counties named in the declaration are included.”
“SBA's disaster declaration was issued as a result of a similar action taken by the Secretary of Agriculture to help farmers recover from damages and losses of crops caused by drought that occurred Feb. 1, 2005, and continuing.”
“SBA can help these small businesses overcome their economic injuries by offering these working capital loans, but the help cannot start until they apply.”
“If you had any damage caused by Hurricane Wilma that occurred October 23 through November 18, 2005, we hope you will visit one of the Centers and personally meet with an SBA Representative. Our staff will be glad to answer any questions about the disaster loan program, give you an application, and provide any extra help you may need or want in completing your application.”