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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There's less spending for our core service. But customers need other service -- network security, disaster recovery -- that are value-added for us.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Small businesses are becoming more and more dependent upon their communication services to help shield their systems from malicious threats and unwanted mail. Because this service allows customers to use Unified Communications as their primary 'inbox' for all of their communications services, it is all the more critical that we provide the most advanced protection available for our business customers.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“AT&T is proud to be endorsed by the AHA, and we look forward to providing AHA members with access to one of the world's most advanced IP networks and a single source for their communications needs. The new AT&T is a next-generation communications provider with the proven infrastructure, global breadth, financial resources and commitment to meaningful innovation to be a stable, long-term partner for all segments of the healthcare field.”

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