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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Lunar phase is another factor that can't be ignored. Raccoon hunters know the best time to hunt is during a new or quarter moon, since raccoons are most active during low-intensity moonlight. Deer hunters often miss really good hunting opportunities during the mid-day hours of a full-moon period. Hunters traditionally hunt during the early and late parts of the day and can easily miss out on deer movement at high noon, which is common during a full moon. Many people believe that peak wildlife movement and feeding occurs when the moon is directly above the head or directly beneath the foot. Test this theory the next time you‚re outdoors.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There are many false tales and theories about animal behavior. Most people, for example, think that when vultures are seen circling an area, they have located a meal. More often than not, they're actually riding thermals (rising air currents) to gain altitude and have a better vantage point for sniffing out carrion. When vultures locate a scent source, they don't waste time circling. They go straight to the food. This is but one example of humans misunderstanding nature.”

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