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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There has to be the natural gift. When I see her do her thing on the soccer field or on the basketball court, to be able to do what she does, I think there's just a natural gift.”

 Francois Fournier quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“If you like somebody, then it's easier to play with them and it's easier to play harder beside them, because you know that's what they're doing. When she got a lot of passes from her teammates (in soccer), she was the first to recognize she did well because of how well they did. She knows the value of teamwork. I don't know what it is, but she just has that human quality that will look at something and decide that's what she wants to do and then she has the ability to focus on it.”

 Francois Fournier quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“She really needs the rest. We told her not to do anything for a month. Her body has just taken a kicking. I think she's in the best shape I've seen her in in the four years she's been here. She's really focused on her nutrition and her workout regiment. She has all that stuff in place, but yet you can't keep going at that level. It's really tough on her. So she's taking a rest so she can come back. We're thinking she should take most of the second semester off, but she said she's playing.”

 Francois Fournier quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We want a sea of red from Friday to Sunday. We just want to have a whole lot of fun, a big celebration and bring everyone home to enjoy it.”

 Francois Fournier quote

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