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Franco Zeffirelli quotes

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Franco Zeffirelli popularity 6/10
    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It's hard for other people to realize just how easily we Florentines live with that past in our hearts and minds because it surrounds us in a very real way. To most people, the Renaissance is a few paintings on a gallery wall; to us it is more than an environment - it's an entire culture, a way of life.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I have always believed that opera is a planet where the muses work together, join hands and celebrate all the arts.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I know that theater people often have very simplistic view of politics and tend to express very black and white patriotic sentiments but perhaps that is because we know the value of illusion, how it can help strengthen the weak, and stimulate the weary.”

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