“The first thing that we need in Michigan is jobs. That's why I'm running is to create jobs in this state. Create an environment where we can get more people back to work.”
“The governor is a great speech maker and if speech making and high-flying rhetoric were things that make this state great, Michigan would be back. I'm an optimist, too. But after three years of lack of results, I wonder if the people of Michigan are getting tired of being told they have to wait some more.”
“The budget problem we can deal with, but let's get people in Michigan back to work. Having someone who understands the realities of business sitting in the governor's chair would make a big difference.”
“As a state, we have to engage the global marketplace. There is no alternative, no choice but to go out and win. The antagonists to this position see it as either/or -- either you invest in China or invest in Michigan. Most businesses do both. If your sales increase in any part of the world, the folks back home benefit.”