Paul Strand quotes (American Photographer, 1890-1976)
Maya Angelou quotes (American Poet, b.1928)
George Santayana quotes (Spanish born American Philosopher, Poet and Humanist who made important contributions to aesthetics, speculative philosophy and literary criticism. 1863-1952)
H. P Lovecraft quotes (American Author of fantastic and macabre short novels and stories, one of the 20th century masters of the Gothic tale of terror. 1890-1937)
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy quotes (Russian moral Thinker, Novelist and Philosopher, notable for his influence on Russian literature and politics. 1828-1910)
Isaac Asimov quotes (Russian born American science-fiction Writer and Biochemist. 1920-1992)
Jean Paul Richter quotes (German Novelist and humorist, 1763-1825)
Joseph Campbell quotes (American prolific Author, Editor, Philosopher and Teacher, 1904-1987)
Robert A. Heinlein quotes (American science-fiction Writer, 1907-1988)