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Famous Economists

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Alfred Marshall popularity 7/10  Alfred Marshall quotesJoseph A. Schumpeter popularity 0/10  Joseph A. Schumpeter quotes
Bernard M. Baruch popularity 3/10  Bernard M. Baruch quotesJosiah Charles Stamp popularity 0/10  Josiah Charles Stamp quotes
Cesare Beccaria popularity 8/10  Cesare Beccaria quotesLawrence Summers popularity 0/10  Lawrence Summers quotes
Charlotte Perkins Gilman popularity 8/10  Charlotte Perkins Gilman quotesLudwig Erhard popularity 1/10  Ludwig Erhard quotes
Clark Kerr popularity 0/10  Clark Kerr quotesLudwig von Mises popularity 6/10  Ludwig von Mises quotes
David Hume popularity 8/10  David Hume quotesMilton Friedman popularity 8/10  Milton Friedman quotes
E. F. Schumacher popularity 2/10  E. F. Schumacher quotesPaul A. Samuelson popularity 5/10  Paul A. Samuelson quotes
Federico Pozzolo popularity 0/10  Federico Pozzolo quotesPaul A. Volcker popularity 5/10  Paul A. Volcker quotes
Francois Quesnay popularity 5/10  Francois Quesnay quotesStuart Chase popularity 3/10  Stuart Chase quotes
Friedrich August Hayek popularity 0/10  Friedrich August Hayek quotesThomas Robert Malthus popularity 6/10  Thomas Robert Malthus quotes
Grover Glenn Norquist popularity 0/10  Grover Glenn Norquist quotesThomas Sowell popularity 8/10  Thomas Sowell quotes
Irving Fisher popularity 7/10  Irving Fisher quotesThorstein Veblen popularity 6/10  Thorstein Veblen quotes
James R. Schlesinger popularity 1/10  James R. Schlesinger quotesWalter Bagehot popularity 5/10  Walter Bagehot quotes
Jean Baptiste Colbert popularity 6/10  Jean Baptiste Colbert quotesWill Schultz popularity 0/10  Will Schultz quotes
John Maurice Clark popularity 2/10  John Maurice Clark quotesWilliam Beveridge popularity 5/10  William Beveridge quotes
John Stuart Mill popularity 8/10  John Stuart Mill quotesWilliam Graham Sumner popularity 6/10  William Graham Sumner quotes
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