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Birthdays occurring on December, 26

1716 Thomas Gray was born on December 26, 1716
English poet, 1716-1771
Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.
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1791 Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1791
British mathematician and inventor, 1791-1871
Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all
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1822 Dion Boucicault was born on December 26, 1822
Irish theatre manager, actor and playwright. 1822-1890
I wish Adam had died with all ribs in his body
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1874 Norman Angell was born on December 26, 1874
It is not the facts which guide the conduct of men, but their opinions about facts; which may be entirely wrong. We can only make them right by discussion
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1891 Henry Miller was born on December 26, 1891
American author and writer, 1891-1980
When you know what men are capable of you marvel neither at their sublimity nor their baseness. There are no limits in either direction apparently.
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Deaths occurring on December, 26

1771 Claude Adrien Helvetius died on December 26, 1771
French philosopher, 1715-1771
We don't call a man mad who believes that he eats God, but we do the one who says he is Jesus Christ
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1797 John Wilkes died on December 26, 1797
English politician and journalist. 1725-1797
Life can then little else supply but a few good fucks and then you die.
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1909 Frederic Remington died on December 26, 1909
I knew the wild riders and the vacant land were about to vanish forever... and the more I considered the subject, the bigger the forever loomed. Without knowing how to do it, I began to record some facts around me, and the more I looked the more the panorama unfolded.
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1930 Kin Hubbard died on December 26, 1930
American humorist and writer, 1868-1930
The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more.
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1950 James Stephens died on December 26, 1950
Irish poet and storyteller, 1882-1950
Women and birds are able to see without turning their heads, and that is indeed a necessary provision for they are both surrounded by enemies
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